Calendar app

Stay on top of all events in your organisation.

There can be many events in an intranet.

Company events like trainings or launches. Syndicated events from exernal sources. Specific events you are directly invited to. Workspace events that only you and your teammates see. And of course you want to see them all in one place.

The Quaive calendar app

That is calendar app. It gives you one single entry point to all events and you can filter by calendar.

Quaive is an intranet that helps people to collaborate across boundaries. You probably have your own calendar tool in your company, perhaps Outlook. But perhaps your colleague from another location is not in the same group? Or has no access to your location’s internal network? In such a situation, you can manage your events in Quaive and just subscribe to the Quaive calendar from your own local calendar tool. Just import the Quaive Calendar into Outlook, Apple Calendar or Google Calendar and you are always up to date.