Quaive 3.5

Contacts app and user profile

Contacts app and user profile page got a new look!

In the contact app, the sidebar has been cleaned up to show only groups.
All user profiles can be found in the “All users” group.

The profile page has also been updated:
When entering a user’s profile page the most important information is shown immediately on first sight. The left column of the profile page was removed as the information listed there is integrated in the user information table.

Search results

If your search results after performing a search include persons, they can be listed under a specific tab called “Contacts”. Here the search results for persons will be displayed with additional information as the person’s job title, email address and telephone number.


On the workspaces overview page, the grouping options are now persisted for the user. This allows to get your favourite grouping of workspaces active even when using a different browser or computer.

In the document section, the actions to add a new folder and add a new link have been moved to the plus icon.

News app

In the news app the hero section of the edit form has been rearranged to pave the ground for several new features coming in future releases for Quaive.

Onlyoffice 7.0

Quaive now uses the brand new Onlyoffice version for document handling in workspaces.

Onlyoffice 7.0 comes with many great new features for all included editors. For more information visit the changelog here:



  • Dashboard loading was improved and stabilized.
  • Portlets are preloaded automatically before scrolling is done by the user to give a more fluid experience when browsing the dashboard.
  • User creation in administration app has been made more stable.
  • Cookie handling was made more tolerant.
  • Many hungarian translations have been added.
  • Various bug fixes and cosmetic improvements.