Quaive 2.2

Version 2.2 is yet another significant update to Quaive Cloud in the past few months. Here's what's new.

New feature: Emergency numbers

There is a new feature on your Quaive platform in the contacts app: Emergency services. Emergency services can be used to give contact information of important emergency services a prominent, easy to reach place in the contact app, the search application and the dashboard.

You can create an emergency contact by clicking the plus icon in the contacts app sidebar to offer specific contact information to your users in a quick and prominent way.

The emergency contacts will be presented in a separate group on top of all contacts to be found easily.

To make them even more prominent, there is a possibility to add them to the contacts portlet on the dashboard. So they can be accessed by your users at first glance when entering your Quaive site.

Modal dialogues that offer add content functionality for multiple item types have been unified and now have a more compact and clear structure.

Also panels for batch-changing content or creating new workspaces have a modernised look.

Workspace improvements

Working in workspaces has been made even more convenient for users by several usability and interface improvements:

Improvements to events

  • The event add dialogue has been reduced to the essential fields to make creating an event simpler and feel more in line with creating other types of content.
  • The world map on the event edit form is only displayed if the event has a location set.

Date picker format

The date picker functionality has improved: selected dates in forms are now formatted in a natural language style.

Images in Workspaces

In the workspaces sidebar, uploaded images are now displayed with a little thumbnail image, making them quicker to recognise.

Audio in workspaces and library

For audio files in workspaces and Library the title is now displayed above the audio file. The audio can be played in place. Furthermore has the appearance of the audio player in Library been improved.

Mobile version - workspace actions

The workspace actions now offers all available tabs also in mobile view by grouping some of them in a three-dot-menu.

User profile improvements

Users can now decide if they want to have their email address visible to other users on the profile page. This allows users to take about the visibility of their personal data.

Besides that, a new field “Organisation” was added to the user profile page.

Also a field “source” has been added to the user profile page that shows which data source is feeding the user profile settings and is used for authentication. The field is only editable for administrators.

Several usability improvements and fixes

  • Users with User accounts created from an external authentication plugin are no longer falsely offered the change password functionality.
  • The title of the Quaive intranet is now shown on the login screen as headline.
  • A “Powered by Quaive” logo and link to Quaive website is now shown on the login screen.
  • In the Calendar app, timezones are displayed with the important part first in.
  • Dashes in workspace titles are no longer stripped in the workspaces overview.
  • Fixed French version of the date format.
  • The link to the help page for video conferences is now displayed in a modal panel.
  • Fixed an issue with displaying more than one attachments of a post in the activity stream.
  • Show title and description of video and audio entries, if available.
  • Several translation fixes